كوبليه ما هي كلمات اغنية go away غالية ...؟

كلمات اغنية go away غالية مكتوبة كاملة
اغنية go away مع الكلمات

Go Away song lyrics - Ghaliaa

كلمات اغنية go away غالية

تاريخ طرح اغنية غالية الجديده go away

٣٠ مايو ٢٠٢٢

كلمات اغنية go away غالية 2022

Was it too easy to let go of me?

Were you taking all this time to plot it out?

Well done, It worked out just fine

Now I think is time for your awaited goodbye

Now you want me, now you're sorry

Oh, help me understand

Are you crazy? you're out of your damn mind

Oh, help me understand

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away 'cause I don't want you

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away 'cause I don't want you

(I don't want you)

Was it too easy to let go of me?

It's what you wanted, are you really satisfied?

I asked, "Do you want me gone?"

You said we were done

And now you're here so what do you want?

Now you want me, now you're sorry

Oh, help me understand

Are you crazy? you're out of your damn mind

Oh, help me understand

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away 'cause I don't want you

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away 'cause I don't want you

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away 'cause I don't want you

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away my heart can't take this

Go away 'cause I don't want you

اغنية go away غالية 2022 بالكلمات مكتوبة كاملة من كلمات Ghaliaa والحان Ghaliaa تم طرح اغنية غالية الجديدة على القناة الرسمية على اليوتيوب بتاريخ ٣٠ مايو ٢٠٢٢ كوبليه كلمات اغنية

  • كلمات : Ghaliaa
  • الحان : Ghaliaa
شاهد واستمع الكليب الرسمي لاغنية go away غالية 2022 مع الكلمات مكتوبة كاملة

شارك كلمات اغنية غالية go away مكتوبة كاملة


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