كوبليه ما هي كلمات اغنية why lie to me غالية ...؟

كلمات اغنية why lie to me غالية مكتوبة كاملة
اغنية why lie to me مع الكلمات

Why lie to me song lyrics - Ghaliaa

كلمات اغنية why lie to me غالية

تاريخ طرح اغنية غالية الجديده why lie to me

١٧ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

كلمات اغنية why lie to me غالية 2023

Did you really think that I can't move on?

I'm over it, I'm over you

You're probably laughing at who I've become

The bad liar that you turned me into

He called me earlier and asked

If I'll ever be able to forgive him one last time

I told him not to call again

But I lied, 'cause hearing his voice

Brought me back to life

I gave you everything I had

Why lie to me?

We vowed to have each other's back

Why lie to me?

I gave you everything I had

Why lie to me?

We vowed to have each others' back

Why lie to me?

Did you really think that I can't move on?

I'm over it, I'm over you

You're probably laughing at who I've become

The bad liar that you turned me into

You would tell me stories

All about the life you had before me

And now everything has changed

Since the day you saw me

We got closer, knew each other better than anyone we have met

I gave you everything I had

Why lie to me?

We vowed to have each others' back

Why lie to me?

I gave you, I gave you everything

Why lie to me?

I gave you I gave you everything

Why lie to me?

I gave you, I gave you everything

Did you really think that I can't move on?

I'm over it, I'm over you

اغنية why lie to me غالية 2023 بالكلمات مكتوبة كاملة من كلمات Ghaliaa والحان Ghaliaa تم طرح اغنية غالية الجديدة على القناة الرسمية على اليوتيوب بتاريخ ١٧ يونيو ٢٠٢٢ كوبليه كلمات اغنية

  • كلمات : Ghaliaa
  • الحان : Ghaliaa
شاهد واستمع الكليب الرسمي لاغنية why lie to me غالية 2023 مع الكلمات مكتوبة كاملة

شارك كلمات اغنية غالية why lie to me مكتوبة كاملة


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